Fatou Camara: The Woman Who Changed Gambian Media Forever
To some, she is known as the brave journalist who spoke against dictatorship; she is a role model and a mother, while to others, she is a woman whom social media bullies don’t stop her. But her Twitter account’s bio describes herself as the founder of The Fatu Network, broadcast journalist, mother, businesswoman, and PR Specialist.
Fatou Camara— is one of the most familiar faces in the Gambia media industry, founder of The Fatu Network with over 300k followers on their Facebook page. Today our stoplight is on her, a brave, fearless woman with excellent journalistic and communication skills with decades of experience.
Dating back to her media beginning in 1998, working with Gambia National Radio and Television, the broadcast journalist has dramatically influenced The Gambia media landscape.
After returning from studies abroad, Camara worked as a reporter and news anchor for The Gambia’s only TV by then. It was the journey to many commendations accompanied by endless challenges, especially for a woman in a Gambian setting. Working with GRTS until 2000 and from 2002 to 2005, Fatou Camara later worked at the US embassy in Banjul as an Assistant Protocol.
In 2008, Camara started a PR company, I Media, the parent company of her famous TV show Fatu Show. As one of the pioneers of television talk shows in The Gambia, she started the Fatu show, which became the most-watched show in the country.
Creating More Success Out Of A Nightmare
At the peak of her much talk about show and PR company, Fatou Camara was arrest by The Gambia’s former government. Detained for 25 days, Camara was later charged with sedition, which she could have served 25 years in jail under the Gambian laws if she was found guilty. Despite securing bail, Camara lost her job as a host of the famous Gambian talk show – Fatu Show. She eventually fled to Senegal and later to the US.
In the US, Fatou Camara— started the Fatu Network via social media. She also began to speak against dictatorship in The Gambia boldly.
Although the Fatu Network was banned in The Gambia back then, Fatou’s desire for freedom of the press in the West African country led her to become a vocal voice in the campaign of the December 2016 elections that ended Yahya Jammeh’s 22 years rule.
That year, Fatou and many other Gambians in the diaspora explored online journalism and radio platforms.
After returning to The Gambia, Camara set the Fatu network, employing young Gambian journalists to practice what they love to do guided with solid work ethics.
The Fatu Network is one of the most followed Gambian online news outlets that has also started to venture into entertainment talk shows.
In February 2018, Camara received $25000 reparations after bringing an action against The Gambian state before the community court of justice of the West African Economic Community. The Gambian government paid the amount in May 2019.
In 2020, Camara hosted the prestigious Heroes’ award –with over 16 different categories. The award celebrated and thanked Gambians who have significantly contributed to their communities.
Despite been faced with many challenges, Fatou remains consistent and continue to serve The Gambia. Her braveness has inspired the change of The Gambian media, which will stay forever.