In the heart of Kibera, Kenya’s largest informal settlement, a unique holiday celebration unfolds as the sun dips below the horizon. Dust-covered plastic sheeting transforms an open field into an unconventional stage for over 100 local ballet students, ranging from barefoot performers to those in pointe shoes.
Fifteen year old Brenda Branice radiates joy as she prepares for the Christmas performance. In Kibera, where the streets are narrow and life is bustling, this ballet spectacle brings a touch of magic. For Brenda, being a ballerina is not just a passion, it’s a source of happiness and a way to entertain friends in the community.
In the absence of a traditional stage, eyeshadows sparkle, braided hair swings, and the performers create enchantment in the midst of their daily surroundings. The dance, fueled by the dedication of these young talents who practice every day after school, has become a symbol of joy and unity in Kibera.
Monica Aoko, the mother of another young ballerina, watches with pride as her daughter takes part in the performance. The annual holiday event draws in hundreds of residents, young and old, fostering a sense of community and holiday cheer.
“This dance has given me a Christmas mood. Now I know Christmas is here,” says Aoko, emphasizing the impact of the ballet project on her daughter’s life. The dance initiative is spearheaded by Project Elimu, a community-driven nonprofit committed to providing after-school arts education and a safe space for children in Kibera.
Founder Michael Wamaya believes in the transformative power of dance for emotional well-being. “Dance has the ability to trigger resilience, creativity, and calmness in you as an individual,” he explains, highlighting the broader impact beyond the performance itself. Through the art of ballet, Kibera’s youth are not only expressing themselves but also finding strength, creativity, and a sense of calm in the midst of their challenging surroundings.