Gambia’s own Fatou Ellika Muloshi has exciting news to share: she’s joined Deutsche Welle DW headquarters in Bonn, Germany as one of the fresh faces of 77 Percent. Taking to Facebook, she joyfully announces her latest endeavor.
In her post, she expresses her enthusiasm:
“I’m thrilled to announce that I’ve officially signed with Deutsche Welle DW headquarters in Bonn, Germany as one of the new faces of the 77 Percent – the show for Africa’s youth. As part of the wider English for Africa Department, I’ll bring you fresh stories from across the continent with a touch of my usual flair to make television viewing even more interesting for a wider audience.”
Continuing, she emphasizes her dedication to her home country: “The Gambia is my number one focus as usual, so I count on your usual support.
The 77 Percent is a weekly podcast catering to 77% of Africans under 35 years of age. This generation comprises confident, dynamic young individuals who are actively shaping Africa’s future.”
After years of hard work and perseverance, this marks a new chapter in her broadcasting career. She’s eager to embark on this journey and is determined to make a meaningful impact.
Fatou Ellika Muloshi is a broadcast Journalist, activist, and entrepreneur. She has over 6 years of media experience and serves as a Reporter/Anchor at The Gambia Radio and Television Services (GRTS). Throughout her career, she has covered diverse subjects such as finance, politics, youth, women’s issues, and social matters.
In 2016, she initiated the poetry slam at the National TV broadcaster, providing young writers and performers with a platform for the inaugural national poetry slam in The Gambia.
In 2022, Ellika was chosen for the Chevening Scholarship, a fully funded scholarship awarded to emerging leaders. A year later she graduated with a Master’s in Strategic Public Relations and Communication Management at The University of Stirling, United Kingdom.
Congratulations poured in after she shared the post, including well wishes from Gambian media icon Fatou Camara.