In a surprising turn of events, the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) have suffered a significant setback as two of its former MPs, Patrick Sindane and veteran Kenny Motsamai, have defected to the Patriotic Alliance (PA). This announcement was made by the PA’s deputy president, Kenny Kunene, during a media briefing held in Johannesburg on Thursday.
Sindane and Motsamai, who did not make it to the EFF’s parliamentary list after the 2019 elections, cited their disagreement with the EFF’s open border policy as a key reason for their departure. This policy, which permits travel between nations primarily within the African continent, stands in stark contrast to the PA’s stance on border control. The PA advocates for strict border restrictions and the expulsion of illegal immigrants.
During the media briefing, both Sindane and Motsamai emphasized that their decision to leave the EFF was not driven by personal ambitions or positions but by ideological differences regarding immigration policies. Motsamai highlighted his alignment with the PA’s clear immigration laws, stating, “I joined because the constitution of the organisation talks about the land. We want people who are undocumented to return where they belong so that we can sort our problems. We must also remember that Kenny Motsamai is a former military veteran … so I am at home here.”
Sindane echoed Motsamai’s sentiments, expressing his agreement with the PA’s firm stance on border control. This ideological shift marks a significant moment in South African politics, as it reflects a growing divergence on key policy issues within major political parties.